Saturday, 30 April 2022

জন্মদিনের শ্রদ্ধার্ঘ্য। জোসেফ হেলার । ০১লা মে, ২০২২. Vol -722. The blogger in literature e-magazine

জোসেফ হেলার 

 মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের একজন খ্যাতনামা ঔপন্যাসিক। তাঁর কালজয়ী গ্রন্থ 'ক্যাচ-টুয়েন্টি টু' বিংশ শতাব্দীর সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ উপন্যাসের তালিকায় গণ্য করা হয়। 
Heller was born on May 1, 1923 in Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York, the son of poor Jewish parents, Lena and Isaac Donald Heller, from Russia. Even as a child, he loved to write; as a teenager, he wrote a story about the Russian invasion of Finland and sent it to the New York Daily News, which rejected it.[6] After graduating from Abraham Lincoln High School in 1941, Heller spent the next year working as a blacksmith's apprentice,a messenger boy, and a filing clerk.

In 1942, at age 19, he joined the U.S. Army Air Corps. Two years later he was sent to the Italian Front, where he flew 60 combat missions as a B-25 bombardier. His unit was the 488th Bombardment Squadron, 340th Bomb Group, 12th Air Force. Heller later remembered the war as "fun in the beginning ... You got the feeling that there was something glorious about it." On his return home he "felt like a hero ... People think it quite remarkable that I was in combat in an airplane and I flew sixty missions even though I tell them that the missions were largely milk runs."

After the war, Heller studied English at the University of Southern California and then New York University on the G.I. Bill, graduating from the latter institution in 1948. In 1949, he received his M.A. in English from Columbia University. Following his graduation from Columbia, he spent a year as a Fulbright scholar in St Catherine's College, Oxford before teaching composition at Pennsylvania State University for two years (1950–52). He then briefly worked for Time Inc., before taking a job as a copywriter at a small advertising agency।  where he worked alongside future novelist Mary Higgins Clark. At home, Heller wrote. He was first published in 1948, when The Atlantic ran one of his short stories. The story nearly won the "Atlantic First".

He was married to Shirley Held from 1945 to 1981 and they had two children, Erica (born 1952) and Theodore (born 1956)

জন্ম ১ মে ১৯২৩ ব্রুকলিন, নিউ ইয়র্ক সিটি, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র. 

দাম্পত্যসঙ্গী শির্লে হেল্ড (১৯৪৫–৮৪; বিবাহবিচ্ছেদ; ২ সন্তান) ভ্যালেরিয়া হাম্‌ফ্রিস (১৯৮৭–৯৯; মৃত্যু)
সন্তান: এরিকা হেলার, টেড হেলার

Heller did not begin work on a story until he had envisioned both a first and last line. The first sentence usually appeared to him "independent of any conscious preparation." In most cases, the sentence did not inspire a second sentence. At times, he would be able to write several pages before giving up on that hook. Usually, within an hour or so of receiving his inspiration, Heller would have mapped out a basic plot and characters for the story. When he was ready to begin writing, he focused on one paragraph at a time, until he had three or four handwritten pages, which he then spent several hours reworking.

Heller maintained that he did not "have a philosophy of life, or a need to organize its progression. My books are not constructed to 'say anything.'" Only when he was almost one-third finished with the novel would he gain a clear vision of what it should be about. At that point, with the idea solidified, he would rewrite all that he had finished and then continue to the end of the story. The finished version of the novel would often not begin or end with the sentences he had originally envisioned, although he usually tried to include the original opening sentence somewhere in the text.
রচনা কর্ম :
  • ক্যাচ অ্যাজ ক্যাচ ক্যান: সংগৃহীত গল্প ও অন্যান্য রচনা (২০০৩)
  • উই বোম্বড ইন নিউ হ্যাভেন (১৯৬৭)
  • ক্যাচ টুয়েন্টি টু (১৯৭৩)
  • ক্লেভিঞ্জার্‌স ট্রায়াল (১৯৭৩)
After the publication of Catch-22, Heller resumed a part-time academic career as an adjunct professor of creative writing at Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania. In the 1970s, Heller taught creative writing as a distinguished professor at the City College of New York.
On Sunday, December 13, 1981, Heller was diagnosed with Guillain–Barré syndrome, a debilitating syndrome that was to leave him temporarily paralyzed. He was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of Mount Sinai Medical Hospital the same day, and remained there, bedridden, until his condition had improved enough to permit his transfer to the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine on January 26, 1982. His illness and recovery are recounted at great length in the autobiographical No Laughing Matter,[30] which contains alternating chapters by Heller and his good friend Speed Vogel. The book reveals the assistance and companionship Heller received during this period from a number of his prominent friends—Mel Brooks, Mario Puzo, Dustin Hoffman and George Mandel among them.

Heller eventually made a substantial recovery. In 1987 he married Valerie Humphries, formerly one of his nurses.

Later years

Heller returned to St. Catherine's as a visiting Fellow, for a term, in 1991 and was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the college. In 1998, he released a memoir, Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here, in which he relived his childhood as the son of a deliveryman and offered some details about the inspirations for Catch-22.

Heller was an agnostic. 

মৃত্যু ডিসেম্বর ১২, ১৯৯৯ (বয়স ৭৬)
পূর্ব হ্যাম্পটন, নিউ ইয়র্ক, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র.
সমাধিস্থল - সিডার লন সিমেট্রি
পূর্ব হ্যাম্পটন, নিউ ইয়র্ক. 


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শুভ জন্মদিন শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি। সুনীতিকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যায় ।‌ একজন বাঙালি ভাষাতাত্ত্বিক পণ্ডিত, সাহিত্যিক ও শিক্ষাবিদ। Dt -26.11.2024. Vol -1059. Tuesday. The blogger post in literary e magazine.

সুনীতিকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যায়   (২৬ নভেম্বর ১৮৯০ — ২৯ মে ১৯৭৭)  একজন বাঙালি ভাষাতাত্ত্বিক পণ্ডিত, সাহিত্যিক ও শিক্ষাবিদ.  মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারের সন্...